Georgetown College offers study abroad programs to more than thirty countries and six continents! Every student has the opportunity to study abroad if they wish to make that part of their college experience.  最重要的是,学生们在国外学习的同时还能继续获得毕业学分.


GC students have the opportunity to study abroad in more than 30 countries on programs lasting anywhere from two weeks to a full academic year. Study abroad can mean traveling and taking classes with Georgetown or affiliated faculty, 或者去国际学校旅行.

几乎每个学术领域都提供课程. The Office of International Programs strives to work with students interested in study abroad to create a personalized academic plan to match your interests. In cooperation with the Office of 财务规划 we are typically able to find the study abroad program that’s the perfect match for your major and finances.



一个学期或一学年的海外留学是传统的海外留学经历. You will have the opportunity to fully immerse yourself in the culture of your host country(ies) and be able to say you’ve lived abroad. A semester/academic year abroad is typically the most cost effective way to study abroad and frequently permits you to utilize your federal/state financial aid towards funding your experience.


短期课程允许学生度过冬季学期, 五月学期还是暑假的一部分出国. This option is perfect for students that are unable to spend an entire semester abroad due to athletic or academic commitments. 然而, short term study abroad is usually completely self funded as your state/federal financial aid rarely applies.


The truth is simply that it allows you an experience you can only gain from being in another culture, 作为一个学生,它可能:

  • Afford you an advantage in choosing a career or getting a job; it’s the BEST resume builder!
  • 让你在你的社区得到认可
  • 增加你对各种学科知识的学习欲望
  • 让你更清楚自己在世界上的位置——扩大你的朋友圈
  • 允许您探索乔治敦学院不提供的学术领域
  • Be the best way to travel as you earn credits towards graduation; it’s the GREATEST deal!

是的, all Georgetown College students in good academic standing are eligible to study abroad. 赌博导航所有网站大全学院批准的课程是为获得本科学分而设计的. 不同程序的要求略有不同. 典型的要求是2.5平均绩点. 有些项目,如牛津大学辅导班,要求的最低平均成绩更高.

You can choose to go a full academic year, fall or spring semester, winter break, or over the summer. Students who participate in semester or year length programs are usually juniors or seniors. 每当一年级和二年级学生参加学习项目时, 他们通常参加短期的夏季或冬季项目.

是的! If you choose to study abroad for a semester or academic year your are studying abroad with a consortium or affiliated partner of Georgetown College. This means you still have access to all GC resources (GC email, library, advising, etc) while abroad. If you participate in a short term (winter or summer) program you’re still a Tiger so long as you plan to return to Georgetown College for your next semester.

以确保你永远是猛虎的一员, you should make the Director of International Studies aware of your intentions to study abroad.

大一和大二是开始考虑出国留学的最佳时间. 不像大三和大四的学生, 大一和大二的学生在选课方面有更多的自由. They also have many 核心 and Foundation credits that they need to earn toward their graduation. 这使得出国留学更容易,更有趣. Students are open to a variety of classes that they can take overseas and would still satisfy their graduation requirements. Many undeclared-major students also use the opportunity of studying abroad to experiment and decide their majors.

出国留学, 尤指一学期或一学年, 需要仔细规划以确保最佳体验. 开始计划你在国外的时间永远不会嫌早!

留学项目的费用各不相同, 这取决于你的目的地和你在国外待的时间. 需要考虑的因素包括:

  • 往返机票
  • 膳食和住宿
  • 医疗保险
  • 学费及行政费用
  • 获得的学时
  • 短途旅行和/或旅游
  • 自由行
  • 教科书/材料

Each program is unique and may include many of the expenses listed above; however, 许多项目都有超出所列项目价格的额外费用. During the study abroad advising process you will discuss the total cost of your program and all related expenses with the 国际研究主任 and Enrollment and the Office of 财务规划 – you will know your estimated out of pocket cost before committing to going abroad.

学生在国外通常不支付乔治敦学院的学杂费。例外情况适用于赌博导航所有网站大全大学项目的出国学生). Some students are even able to spend a semester abroad for less than their out of pocket cost to Georgetown College!

有关课程费用的详情,请浏览我们的课程选择 国际研究主任.

财政援助通常不适用于夏季或冬季课程. 然而, students may typically use their federal and/or state aid for a semester or academic year abroad. You will meet with the Office of 财务规划 during the study abroad process to see exactly what financial aid may apply to your time abroad.


赌博导航所有网站大全的学生可以在世界各地学习! 欲了解更多信息,请联系国际项目主任.

Note: Georgetown College policy prohibits students from studying abroad in countries with an active US State Department Travel Warning. 参观 美国国务院网站 从一个最新的列表. Georgetown College strongly suggests that students do not study abroad in countries with an active Travel Alert. 

不,你可以参加一个用英语授课的项目. 然而, there are programs that are taught in the native language of non-English speaking countries, 如果你想体验和练习一门外语.

虽然出国留学需要精心规划,但这个过程相对简单,而且费用低廉 国际研究主任 每一步都有帮助吗.

是的, 获得的学分将转入乔治敦学院, 并计入你的毕业要求. Simply meet with the 国际研究主任 BEFORE going abroad to ensure that the credit transfer process goes smoothly.

如果你想把学分计入你的专业, 小, 或通识教育要求, you must receive the approval of your faculty advisor and/or the department chair(s) over the area(s) in which you are earning credit. 否则,你可以使用学分作为选修课.

The quality points will not be calculated into your overall GPA unless your course(s) abroad is taught by a GC professor or you are participating in the GC Oxford Program.


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